Minggu, 20 Maret 2016



What is a Pronoun?
In grammar, a pronoun is defined as a word or phrase that may be substituted for a noun or noun phrase, which once replaced, is known as the pronoun’s antecedent. How is this possible? In a nutshell, it’s because pronouns can do everything that nouns can do. A pronoun can act as a subject, direct object, indirect object, object of the preposition, and more.
Without pronouns, we’d have to keep on repeating nouns, and that would make our speech and writing repetitive, not to mention cumbersome. Most pronouns are very short words. 

Examples include:
Ø  He
Ø  She
Ø  They
Ø  It
Ø  We
Ø  Who

As mentioned, pronouns are usually used to replace nouns, however they can also stand in for certainadverbsadjectives, and other pronouns. Anytime you want to talk about a person, animal, place or thing, you can use pronouns to make your speech or writing flow better.

Types of Pronouns
Pronouns can be divided into numerous categories including:
Ø  Indefinite pronouns – those referring to one or more unspecified objects, beings, or places
Ø  Personal pronouns – those associated with a certain person, thing, or group; all except you have distinct forms that indicate singular or plural number
Ø  Reflexive pronouns – those preceded by the adverb, adjective, pronoun, or noun to which they refer, and ending in –self or –selves
Ø  Demonstrative pronouns – those used to point to something specific within a sentence
Ø  Possessive pronouns – those designating possession or ownership
Ø  Relative pronouns – those which refer to nouns mentioned previously, acting to introduce an adjective (relative) clause
Ø  Interrogative pronouns – those which introduce a question
Ø  Reciprocal pronouns – those expressing mutual actions or relationship; i.e. one another
Ø  Intensive pronouns – those ending in –self or –selves and that serve to emphasize their antecedents

Pronoun Rules
There are a few important rules for using pronouns. As you read through these rules and the examples in the next section, notice how the pronoun rules are followed. Soon you’ll see that pronouns are easy to work with.
Ø  Subject pronouns may be used to begin sentences. For example: We did a great job.
Ø  Subject pronouns may also be used to rename the subject. For example: It was she who decided we should go to Hawaii.
Ø  Indefinite pronouns don’t have antecedents. They are capable of standing on their own. For example: No one likes the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard.
Ø  Object pronouns are used as direct objects, indirect objects, and objects of prepositions. These include: you, me, him, her, us, them, and it. For example: David talked to her about the mistake.
Ø  Possessive pronouns show ownership. They do not need apostrophes. For example: The cat washed its whiskers.

Examples of Pronouns
In the following examples, the pronouns are italicized.
1.      We are going on vacation.
2.      Don’t tell me that you can’t go with us.
3.      Anybody who says it won’t be fun has no clue what they are talking about.
4.      These are terribly steep stairs.
5.      We ran into each other at the mall.
6.      I’m not sure which is worse: rain or snow.
7.      It is one of the nicest Italian restaurants in town.
8.      Richard stared at himself in the mirror.
9.      The laundry isn’t going to do itself.
10.  Someone spilled orange juice all over the countertop!

Daftar Pustaka :

Pengertian Hukum Ekonomi, Pengertian Subyek & Objek Hukum

Pengertian Hukum Ekonomi

Hukum ekonomi adalah suatu hubungan sebab akibat atau pertalian peristiwa ekonomi yang saling berhubungan satu dengan yang lain dalam kehidupan ekonomi sehari-hari dalam masyarakat.

Hukum ekonomi terbagi menjadi 2, yaitu:
a.       Hukum ekonomi pembangunan, yaitu seluruh peraturan dan pemikiran hukum mengenai cara-cara peningkatan dan pengembangan kehidupan ekonomi (misal hukum perusahaan dan hukum penanaman modal).

b.       Hukum ekonomi sosial, yaitu seluruh peraturan dan pemikiran hukum mengenai cara-cara pembagian hasil pembangunan ekonomi secara adil dan merata, sesuai dengan hak asasi manusia (misal, hukum perburuhan dan hukum perumahan).

Pengertian Subyek Hukum

Subyek hukum ialah pemegang hak dan kewajiban menurut hukum. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, yang menjadi subyek hukum dalam sistem hukum Indonesia, yang sudah barang tentu berdasar dari sistem hukum Belanda, ialah individu (orang) dan badan hukum (perusahaan, organisasi, institusi).
Dalam dunia hukum, subyek hukum dapat diartikan sebagai pembawa hak, yakni manusia dan badan hukum.

1. Manusia (naturlife persoon) Menurut hukum, tiap-tiap seorang manusia sudah menjadi subyek hukum secara kodrati atau secara alami. Anak-anak serta balita pun sudah dianggap sebagai subyek hukum. Manusia dianggap sebagai hak mulai ia dilahirkan sampai dengan ia meninggal dunia. Bahkan bayi yang masih berada dalam kandungan pun bisa dianggap sebagai subyek hukum bila terdapat urusan atau kepentingan yang menghendakinya. Namun, ada beberapa golongan yang oleh hukum dipandang sebagai subyek hukum yang "tidak cakap" hukum. Maka dalam melakukan perbuatan-perbuatan hukum mereka harus diwakili atau dibantu oleh orang lain. seperti:

1.      Anak yang masih dibawah umur, belum dewasa, atau belum menikah.
2.      Orang yang berada dalam pengampunan yaitu orang yang sakit ingatanpemabukpemboros.
3.      Badan Hukum (recht persoon)

Badan hukum adalah suatu badan yang terdiri dari kumpulan orang yang diberi status "persoon" oleh hukum sehingga mempunyai hak dan kewajiban. Badan hukum dapat menjalankan perbuatan hukum sebagai pembawa hak manusia. Seperti melakukan perjanjian, mempunyai kekayaan yang terlepas dari para anggotanya dan sebagainya. Perbedaan badan hukum dengan manusia sebagai pembawa hak adalah badan hukum tidak dapat melakukan perkawinan, tidak dapat diberi hukuman penjara, tetapi badan hukum dimungkinkan dapat dibubarkan.

Pengertian Objek Hukum

Pengertian Objek hukum adalah segala sesuatu yang berada dalam pengaturan hukum dan dapat dimanfaatkan oleh subjek hukum (manusia dan badan hukum) berdasarkan hak dan kewajiban objek hukum yang bersangkutan. Jadi, objek itu haruslah sesuatu yang pemanfaatannya diatur bedasarkan jual beli, sewa-menyewa, waris-mewarisi, perjanjian dan sebagainya.

Objek hukum dapat juga diartikan sebagai segala sesuatu yang berguna bagi subjek hukum dan yang dapat menjadi pokok (objek) suatu hubungan hukum, yang disebut hak. Segala sesuatu dapat saja dikuasai oleh subjek hukum.

Daftar Pustaka :

Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

Subject, Verb, Complement, Modifier

A. Subject
The subject of a sentence is the person, place, thing, or idea that is doing or being something. You can find the subject of a sentence if you can find the verb. Ask the question, "Who or what 'verbs' or 'verbed'?" and the answer to that question is the subject.
Ø  His new car tax has already been paid by his assistant.
Ø  Lia and I were eating our lunch on the kitchen table.
Ø  The very big boarding school in this country was built in 1980.

B. Verb
Verbs (verb) is a word (word) and is one element of part of speech, which shows the action (bring, kick, read) or events (happen, Become) or state (<to> be, exist), and attitude ( agree, disagree, blame).

B. Type Verb and Functions:

Transitive Verb
Is a verb that requires the object of a sentence. If the verbal sentence using the transitive verb then it should be no object sentences to be said a perfect sentence (to provide understanding).

Which included transitive verb include:
Ø  She opened the window every morning.
Ø  I always drink a glass of water before going to sleep.
Ø  Cristiano Ronaldo kicked the ball in to the goal.

Intransitive Verb
Is a verb that does not require the object of the sentence.

Which is included in the category of intransitive verbs are:
Ø  My son is sleeping soundly.
Ø  The bus can run over 100 miles per hour.
Ø  Radit screamed since a ghost Appeared in front of him.

Linking Verb
That verb that serves to connect between subjects with complement (complement). Words associated with the subject called complement subject.
Which includes linking verb is Appear, be (am, is, are, was, etc.), Become, feel, look, taste, stay, Werner, seem, smell.

Ø  You are the most beautiful women I've ever meet.
Ø  The food tasted delicious.
Ø  I do not feel confident to deliver a speech.

Auxiliary Verb (auxiliary verb)
Is a verb whose job is to help the main verb in a sentence. If the auxiliary verb is removed, it does not eliminate the basic substance of the sentence. Which included Auxiliary verb is Is, am, are, was, were, do, does, did, has, have, had, can, could, may, MIGHT, will, would, shall, should, must, ought to, had better ,

Ø  You should not swim in the river.
Ø  I must go right now.
Ø  You may take all your money on the bank every time via ATM.

Regular Verb
That verb tenses changed regularly because the sentence unchanged. Usually a regular verb given additional -ed.
Which includes regular verb is: call> called, kick> kicked, crash> crashed etc.

Ø  Rahmat published an article on this page.
Ø  I looked for an assistant for this job.
Ø  Royhan walked on the boulevard in the morning yesterday.

Irregular Verb
That verb tenses change due in the form of disorderly, so it can not be known Form II and III it except look at the dictionary.
Which included irregular verbs are: sleep> slept, wake> woke> woken, go> went> etc gone.

Ø  She had gone before I Came.
Ø  Mr. Brown her a song on the roof of my home.
Ø  My lesson the teacher wrote on the blackboard.

C. Complement
Complement is a complement of the verb. It's like the subject is usually in the form of a noun or noun phrase. But, in general complement follow the verb form of the sentence when the sentence is active. And for the record, the sentence in the English language does not always need a complement. Then complement can not start with a preposition. The characteristics of complement is a complement, can answer the question of what or Whom.
Bill bought a new car yesterday?     
(What did Bill buy?)
Lian was reading a book.      
(What was Lian reading?)
She wants to eat pizza.
(What does she want to eat?)
He saw Sarah at the restaurant last night.    
(Whom did he see at the restaurant?)
Mr. Hiddle called Lampard yesterday.
(Whom did he see at the restaurant?)
She was making a cake.        
(What was she making?)

D. Modifier
Modifier is something to the effect of time, place or deed. And most often we encounter a form prepositional phrase. Prepositional phrase is a set of words that begin with a preposition and ends with a noun. And if there is more than one modifier, the modifier that describes the time will be the last diurutan compared with other modifiers.
Examples of prepositional phrase:
Ø  on the table, in the morning, at the university.
A modifier can also be an adverb or adverbial phrase.
last night, yesterday, next week, hurriedly, outside
Note: The phrase in the English language does not always require a modifier. Modifier can answer questions that begin with when, where or how.

Bill bought a magazine at the bookstore.      
Where did Bill buy a magazine?
Sarah was swimming in the pool  yesterday.
Where was Sarah swimming?
When was Sarah swimming?
John was running very fast.
How was John running?
The vegetable is in the refrigerator.
Where is the vegetable?
He drove the car on Pulpy Street
Where did he drive?
They ate breakfast at seven o’clock.
When did they eat breakfast?

Modifier usually follow complement, and not be in between verb and complement. See examples for more details.
He    drove       the car               on the street
         Verb        complement      modifier.

Daftar Pustaka:

Kamis, 10 Maret 2016


My name is Kadek Widya Patni. You can call me kadek. I’m come from Indonesia. 
I live in Citayam but I was born in Jakarta, 04 November 1995.
My parents were born in Bali and I’m the second of the two brothers.
I studied at the Gunadarma University with a major in accounting because I like learning about accounting.
I like travelling and also i like movies that include drama or horror, and I also like to play games.
I wants to be an accountant, although there is less not understand with the lesson, but I will try always to learn and learn because I want happy my parents.